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Installing thru the itch desktop app causes the launch button to open the installation folder rather than starting the game

(1 edit) (-1)

Same issue here, not pleased..... how do we resolve this? No one has replied to Alex's question... please help.EDIT: I have worked out the issue. The file to download is the second one from top called "Aerofoil Windows 64-bit 9 MB" (not the installer one) and then install it on


I've changed the download order so that the Windows loose build is first now, which should make it the default, and fix this issue.

Thanks! :) Hope to see a Linux version made for steam deck soon

Any chance for an updated Mac build? The latest build is 1.1.0.



Oh, sweet! How much work needs to be done for a Linux build?


Probably not much since there is already an SDL/OpenGL/POSIX backend which compiles in Cygwin with CMake and is the basis of the macOS port, but I don't have a Linux machine to develop on or test it on so I'm not sure what else is needed.

If you're interested in testing or contributing to a Linux version, please comment on issue #2 on the GitHub page.

I would also like to cast my vote for a Linux build. Hopefully, someone with the necessary knowledge will step up to the task.

So far, I tried running it using Proton, and got a white screen. I also followed the Linux.txt instructions, to no avail (it gives me a few errors when compiling).

(2 edits)

If you could provide an alpha Linux build I'd love to try and see if what you've got currently works on my Steam Deck (even if I can't personally contribute to making it work as such outside of reporting what happens). I'm too much of a novice to compile it myself. I'm stuck on "The heck do I do with SDL2?" lol. I tried running the normal version as a non steam game on different Proton versions and got white screens.

Any way to make this fullscreen? Thanks for posting btw.


Yes, you can turn on fullscreen mode by pressing Alt+Enter at any time or by going to Options -> Preferences -> Display and checking "Full screen mode"

Due to browser restrictions, if you do the second option, you'll need to press a key or click the game frame after closing the Preferences window to transition to fullscreen.

thanks! that worked for me


Wow, this is amazing.  Thanks for this.